You, Too, Can Have a Slice of the Celebrity Life ... With a Treadmill Desk!

You, Too, Can Have a Slice of the Celebrity Life ... With a Treadmill Desk!

Posted by Human Solution on Jun 19th 2013

I love the sections in celebrity gossip magazines where they demonstrate (with pics!) the way that stars are "just like us." I guess the radical differences in our lifestyles, attractiveness, and glamour levels are mitigated by the fact that stars use the bank drive-thru and take their kids to the park? I may not have that much in common with the glitterati overall, but guess what? I do share something with a growing number of famous people — an awesome treadmill desk! I may not ever win an Academy Award, host a celebrated talk show, or write a best-seller, but darn it, I can walk and work with the best of them and thereby feel better about this small life I manage to eke out day by day.

Up first is Jimmy Kimmel, who has been walking at work since 2012 and credits his treadmill desk for his 20-pound weight loss. I haven't become as charming or funny as Jimmy as a result of my treadmill treks, but I have lost sixteen pounds since March! I'm about to kick up my walking, too, so I will keep you posted on how I'm coming along.

One thing I must say about my pal Jimmy, though, is that that the rest of his set-up could use some work. See how low his laptop screen is positioned in the photo above? He really could do with a laptop monitor arm to bring his screen to an ergonomic height. He must spend each day combating some serious neck pain. Help me help you, Jimmy Kimmel.

Author Susan Orlean is a recent treadmill desk convert as well. You may know her from her book The Orchid Thief, which was made into an awesomely bizarre film starring Nick Cage and Meryl Streep. Susan is still in the early stages of walking while working, the stage that requires you to "announce constantly that you are working at a treadmill desk." I understand her enthusiasm; I'm always looking for ways to naturally slip it into conversation. I'll slip it in unnaturally too, I don't care.

Guess who else? American's most trusted weatherman, Al Roker. He's maintained his impressive 130-pound weight loss in part by using a treadmill desk each day. He may get the forecast wrong every now and then, but he's right on with his health regimen!

The adorable Felicia Day from The Guild and many other fun projects is another treadmill desk user, along with authors A.J. Jacobs, Neal Stephenson, and John Green. So is the hilarious Steve Harvey, whose Family Feud antics I often enjoy, though nothing beats his turn in Kings of Comedy (except Cedric's turn in Kings of Comedy; no offense, Steve).

Kudos to these celebs for getting in early on the growing wave of healthful working. Heads up to Brangelina: You guys are so behind the times.

Visit for celebrity-worthy treadmill desks at common-people prices.

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