Team Up! Maintain Healthy Habits With Work Buddies

Team Up! Maintain Healthy Habits With Work Buddies

Posted by Human Solution on May 2nd 2013

I went running during my lunch break today, even though I was little tired. Why? Because my work buddy and fellow THS content writer, Kate, kept me accountable today. Thanks, Kate! Not to be outdone, she got up early to do yoga this morning. She didn't want to at first, but she did it because she told me she would the day before. You're welcome, Kate! Now we both feel great for taking care of ourselves, and for encouraging each other to move in the right direction.

For the last few weeks, we have been sharing our daily and long term fitness goals and keeping each other accountable. We both have UPLIFT Lifespan Treadmill Desks, so in the morning, we'll touch base with our daily walking goals. Throughout the day, we'll check in on the other's progress, with encouraging words to keep going.

There was one afternoon when I asked Kate to give me a pep talk to go to the gym after work, because I really didn't want to. She reminded me that working out would help improve my quality of sleep, how it would move me closer to my long-term goals, and that I would feel much better if I just did it. Her words helped me to stay motivated and to not give up my workout that day.

Kate and I have different goals and wellness issues we are trying to address. But the specifics of our goals are irrelevant so much as we are both working hard to reach them. It can be hard to work out when you're tired, or eat healthy food when there's a bag of chips within reach. So it can be very helpful to have a friend celebrate small accomplishments, and challenge you when you want to give up. Don't be afraid to reach out for help!

If you find yourself at a plateau with your fitness or nutrition goals, or if you are having a hard time staying dedicated to healthy habits, it might help to ask a friend to join you in your efforts. To read more about accountability and wellness, check out this blog post from the AMP Personal Fitness Blog. And here are some ideas you can engage a work friend in wellness goals:

1. Ask each other if you took the stairs or elevator to work.

2. If you have nutrition-related goals, share ideas of what healthy things you like to bring to work.

3. Encourage each other not to snag a piece of pizza or a doughnut that might be available in the break room. Yes, small daily choices will make a difference!

3. Set goals for how many times you want to get some kind of physical exercise, and see what your friend is going to set.

4. Work out or do something active together at lunch. Follow up with your friend to see if they accomplished what they said they wanted to, and ask them to do the same for you.

5. Come up with a fun reward or activity you both can enjoy when goals are met.

I highly recommend engaging a friend or coworker to help you stay committed to your fitness and wellness goals. When there is a buddy working hard alongside you, you'll get a little extra inspiration and encouragement, which can be beneficial to keeping things positive as you take small steps toward big changes!

Learn more about options to improve your health and your workspace at

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