‘America’s Finest News Source’ Cites Research Urging Workers to Stand Up at Desk, Leave and Never Come Back

‘America’s Finest News Source’ Cites Research Urging Workers to Stand Up at Desk, Leave and Never Come Back

Posted by Will M on Feb 24th 2015

Here at Human Solution, we’ve seen countless studies and tried to spread the word about how important standing periodically at work is for your health and productivity. The Mayo Clinic particularly loves giving us scary numbers about how risky sitting all day is, even if you exercise regularly. Well, this time the Mayo Clinic’s recommendations have shocked even us.

According to research cited in a newspaper called The Onion, which touts itself as “America’s Finest News Source,” the Mayo Clinic doesn’t think you should stop at just standing at work. Researchers now recommend Americans “stand up at their desk, leave their office, and never return.” The source at the Mayo Clinic sites case studies showing how individuals seem happier and more motivated once they get up out of their chair at work, leave and never come back.

This isn’t the first time we’ve been scooped on a new revelatory study by The Onion. They were the first news organization to uncover a University of Florida study that found using standing desks can increase co-workers’ disdain for you by 70 percent. They also were the first to cover the rise in popularity of “fetal position” desks, a working position that was news to me, and I can sit, stand, or even walk on a treadmill at my desk, so I thought I had seen it all! We’ll be sure to keep you up to date with all of the research this hard-hitting news organization discovers as we hear about it. We want to keep you informed!

While working at Human Solution has actually kept me happy, alert and productive at work up to this point, far be it from me to ignore Mayo Clinic research! Now, if you’ll excuse me

At this point, Will thought he’d try this new method of working healthy, so he got up out of his chair and walked out. We’re hoping at some point, he A) understands satire and B) realizes he needs this job. Until then, learn more about real ways to stay healthy at work at TheHumanSolution.com.

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