Ergonomic Office Tips & Information | Human Solution Blog
Day of Dads: Happy Father's Day from Human Solution
Posted by Tyler Reinhardt on Jun 16th 2017
It seems like only a month since we celebrated a parent. And it was so nice we’re doing it twice with the impending arrival of Father’s Day. We still love Mom lots but this weekend Daddy gets a day to
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Showing Mom Some Appreciation
Posted by Tyler Reinhardt on May 12th 2017
Brace yourselves. Mother’s Day is coming. The one day a year when Mommy collects her dues. Some pay up with a card lovingly crafted out of macaroni and glitter. However, those outside of grade school
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The Ergonomics of: Swimming
Posted by Tyler Reinhardt on Apr 18th 2017
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Some people ran in high school. Some people did football.
Others did lacrosse, tennis, basket weaving, etc. I was a swimmer. Not a very
good one. I was pret
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Victory in Da Feet: An UPLIFT Standing Desk Redesign
Posted by Tyler Reinhardt on Apr 17th 2017
Feet are important. You need them to run, walk, swim, gross out your siblings, and, of course, stand. Your standing desk is a lot like you, for it too gets its stability from its feet.Even more so if
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The Ergonomics of: Yoga
Posted by Tyler Reinhardt on Apr 12th 2017
Everyone who’s held an office job has heard of ergonomics - the idea that proper positioning and maintaining your comfort as you work will minimize injuries and health issues associated with lon
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