Top Five Ergonomic New Year's Resolutions for 2013: Tips for Staying Healthy and Efficient
Posted by Human Solution on Jan 1st 2013
In honor of 2013, here is the cliched Top Five Ergonomic New Years Resolution list you've been waiting for! No, this is maybe not the most original blog post concept in the world, but without further ado here are a few ideas that CAN help you and your loved ones achieve sustained health and comfort this year and beyond...
1. Ambidextrous mousing - Have an issue with your hand, wrist or forearm that doesn't seem to go away? Why not try mousing with your other hand? By simply alternating which hand you mouse with, you will significantly cut down on the amount of strain to your dominant hand. Pair the Evoluent Vertical Mouse with a mirror-image Evoluent Vertical Left-Handed Mouse. The skill is much easier to master than you realize. Not ready to commit to an ambidextrous mousing regime just yet? Check out the Penguin Mouse - with its symmetrical design, ambidextrous mousing can be achieved easily by swapping the same device from one side of the keyboard to the other.
4. Find a chair that truly fits you - Maybe you're in the lucky category where "one size fits all" does mean something. "One size fits all chairs" are designed to fit as many people as possible. They are designed to accommodate users of "average" height and weight. Many of our ergonomic chairs will offer adjustments to give some leeway, but for those of us who aren't in this median distribution of human height and weight, we recommend a chair that's tailored to individual body type, like a Bodybilt or Neutral Posture chair. These chairs are offered with chassis to fit users of all sizes, tall users, petite users, average users and users with specific medical or pain needs. Give us a call and we'll help you put together the perfect chair for you.
3. Drink smoothies, eat salads - If your office is like ours, you are surrounded by tantalizing fast food and quick, casual-dining lunch options. Once a week, why not bring in your lunch or go foraging for healthy options? Your nourishment goal should not be to fill yourself with meat, batter and dough. Foods that are rich in water and vitamins, and foods that are high in fiber, are easier to digest and will provide long-term sustenance. I'll admit, it is difficult to resist the siren's song of a tasty salt-burger, Italian sandwich or box of tenders, but I've found that I feel more energetic, healthier, and clear-headed at the end of a day when I eat light for lunch.
Also, a special shout out to the wonderful juice and smoothie bar that's just down the street from us in Austin, Texas. Like we are, Juiceland is in the business of keeping people happy and healthy.
2. Tell your friends to get ergo! - Let's suppose you used your 2012 Resolution to go "ergo." Just how much do you enjoy your setup? A lot, right? So much that you can't even imagine going back to your old setup? Spread the word! There are tons of non-believers out there still, and many of these heretics may be your "friends." How much more comfortable could they be if they added a height adjustable desk, keyboard tray, monitor arm or chair to their office?
1. Walk one mile per weekday - Just one mile per weekday will add to 261 miles by this time next year. This is approximately equivalent to Los Angeles to Las Vegas (264 miles), New York to Boston (217 miles), St. Louis to Kansas City (248 miles). Walking one mile is a tiny commitment of half an hour per weekday. Our LifeSpan Treadmill allows you to track your results. Over the course of a year, you'll be amazed to find out what a treadmill desk can help you accomplish.
Happy New Year, ergo-buds!