Ditch the Greeting Card

Ditch the Greeting Card

Posted by Tyler R on May 6th 2016

It’s that time of year again. Mother’s Day. The day you mother has been waiting for all year. You could run to the local pharmacy and grab a greeting card to sign your name to. No one would fault you. We’ve all done it. But mommy dearest probably has a drawer collection of those by now. You want to do something that really says “Thanks for being a mom!” So, you can add to her sizeable mother’s day card collection or you can get her something a little less two dimensional.

We here at Human Solution understand your dilemma and would love you help you with a few suggestions that will make your mom’s life just a little more comfortable. Your mom works hard and she could probably use something to make the ol’ day to day easier.

I’d like to start off with a fan favorite, the UPLIFT Desk. Great for relieving back pain and strain caused by long periods of sitting, the UPLIFT Desk makes an excellent workstation for a variety of activities. Maybe Mom likes to sew, or write, or even play computer games, who knows? But all of these things are made much more comfortable when your mom has the ability to go from sitting to standing at the push of a button. The UPLIFT Desk is available as a two-leg, three-leg, or even a four-leg option and there is a large array of customizable options including the top size, color, frame, etc. And, if you wanted to do a cool shape to make the desk a bit more special, we can even quote you for a custom design!

But, maybe your mom isn’t looking for desk space. Maybe she isn’t into the idea of going from sitting to standing on the fly. That’s okay. Not everyone is ready to take that step. Maybe she just wants something that lets her sit and chill for a bit. She’s been raising you for years. That’s a lot of pent up stress to release. I have to recommend one of our fantastic ergonomic chairs in this case. The Steelcase Amia is one of our most popular along with the Steelcase Leap. Both chairs have all of the ergonomic features that one could possibly need including lumbar support, adjustable back tension, adjustable arms, and adjustable height and seat depth. Best of all, the color choices are phenomenal so you should have no trouble finding one that matches your mom’s style and taste. Another great gift option is the ergoCentric tCentric Hybrid Chair. If Mom likes for her chair to be able to tilt forward to take a little stress off the back of her legs, this chair with the Multi-Tilt option may be the way to go.

Of course, maybe your mom already has a nice ergonomic chair that she loves dearly and to that I say check out our leg rest options. The Humanscale FM 300B Foot Machine gives your mother a place to rest her feet on and as an added feature, the FM 300B has massaging balls in the center, letting Mom not only rest her feet but also work out some of the built-up strain they accumulate day to day.

Now, while the greeting card sounds like a quick and easy way to go (why not it’s been working for years), you could try making this mother’s day just a bit more special. Get her something that says “thank you” for all of the things she does and for being the one you call “Mom”.

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