The New Guy Picks His Top 10 Human Solution Blog Posts
Posted by Human Solution on Mar 6th 2013
I’m the new guy at Human Solution. It’s been a fun and educational first week. With all of the awesome info we have about ergonomics on our blog, I’ve found that the easiest way to get up to speed is by reading some of the most popular posts we’ve published over the past several months.
One of my first job duties was to write a blog post; not just any old post -- this one was assigned by Professor Ergo himself, our CEO and ergonomic expert, Jon Paulsen. During a meeting, the team was discussing the cool blog posts that I’ve read and which one was my favorite. I couldn’t pick just one yet, so Jon suggested picking my top ten Human Solution blog posts, and here we are.
Picking just ten wasn’t easy either since these writers blog all the bloggin’ time! I did really enjoy these, and I wanted to point out my favorites and why I think you’ll find them interesting, helpful and fun, too.
Without further ado:
1. Get Up, Stand Up (At Work) With Our Ergonomic Mix Tape - Sharing music at work? Yes, please. This post by Angela highlights why Human Solution is such a fun company to work for. In her post, she writes about “Music Friday”— a company tradition where every week, we choose a theme and then each of us takes turns playing related songs from our desk speakers. Only through her blog did I learn about “Music Friday” at THS. She also pairs five great songs with the benefits of ergonomic products.
2. Five Ways to Improve the Ergonomics of This Year’s Oscar-Nominated Films - Who says that blogs can’t be informative and funny? Just in time for Oscar season, Will wrote a great piece about how the nominated films could have benefited from ergonomic products. From Zero Dark Thirty to Argo, Will points out perfect placement for ergonomic products, with tongue firmly in cheek.
3. Top 5 Reasons To Use An Ergonomic Mouse - Sometimes I just want to read lists: Top Ten, Best of, Worst of, etc. In this case, Derek created the “Top 5 Reasons To Use An Ergonomic Mouse.” It’s straightforward and really does give you great reasons to switch from an outdated mouse to something that’s actually designed for a comfortable computer experience.
4. Choosing A Keyboard Tray System Is As Easy as 1, 2, 3! - Shannon’s post is a nice combination of video and writing. Since Shannon does most of our video presentations, it’s a perfect fit for her blog post. Plus, you get to see our store and cool ergo keyboard trays!
5. Deciphering Ergonomic iPad Arm Choices - In the constantly changing word of technology, one thing here to stay is the iPad. The business world is already using the iPad as a modern cash register, and these iPad holders and monitor arms are a great way to keep your iPad securely attached yet adjustable for viewing. As Mitch points out, iPads are commonly used in smaller businesses like food trucks, startups and craft tents. After reading this blog, be sure to watch this great video to see the iPad arms in action.
6. Ergonomic Mice for the Left-Handed User - “Left-Handers Rule!”At least that’s what one of the posters in Ned Flanders’ Leftorium proclaims. Here at Human Solution, we aren’t only interested in finding the right (ahem, correct) ergonomic products for the general populace, but also for specialized groups like left-handed people. Angela reviews several different options to fit the Southpaws in your life.
7. Steelcase Leap Chair and Steelcase Amia Chair Review - There are a lot of ergonomic chairs to choose from, so it’s always good to have a review of different chairs. In this case, Mike reviews two seemingly alike chairs made by the same company and details the important differences – they’re similar but different, like Patty Duke and her identical cousin.
8. Standing While You Work: Your Life May Depend On It! - Study after study has shown the negative health effects of sitting at your computer all day. We understand that you spend a lot of time at the office, and most of that time is spent sitting down. Why not start making healthy decisions at the office? A standing desk or a treadmill desk can help you on your road to health.
9. The Via Swopper Chair: Like An Exercise Ball, But Better! - If you’re searching for a chair with the benefits of an exercise ball, but you want something more comfortable, flexible and distinguished-looking, then check out Jonathan’s review of The Via Swopper Chair. He explains the benefits of the Via Swopper and why that exercise ball may not always be the right fit for you.
10. Simple Solutions for Shipping Adjustable Height Standing Desks - One of the most common questions that we get at THS is, “How do you ship the standing desks you offer on your online store?” Kate answers those questions in her informative post, breaking down all of the shipping options for you.
If any of these blog posts piqued your interest and you have further questions, feel free to call any of our ergonomic experts at 800-531-3746, email us, or click here to contact one of our ergonomic experts. We’ll be happy to help answer any questions you may have.